§ 5.90.050. Persons prohibited as permittees and business managers.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful for any of the following persons to have an ownership interest or a managerial responsibility in a Medical Marijuana Business, and no license or permit may be issued to or held by, and no Medical Marijuana Business shall be managed by: (a) Any person until all required fees have been paid; or (b) Any person who has been convicted within the previous ten (10) years of any violent or serious felony as specified in Sections 667.5 and 1192.7 of the Penal Code or any felony conviction involving fraud, deceit or embezzlement or who is currently on parole or probation for the sale or distribution of a controlled substance; or (c) Any person who is under twenty-one (21) years of age; or (d) Any person who operates or manages a Medical Marijuana Business contrary to the provisions of this Chapter, or conditions imposed on land use or license approvals, or contrary to the terms of the plans submitted with the permit application, or amended as permitted by this Chapter; or (e) A licensed physician making patient recommendations; or (f) A person licensed and permitted to operate pursuant to this Chapter who, while lawfully operating, or who, at the time of application, has failed to remedy an outstanding delinquency for City taxes or fees owed, or an outstanding delinquent judgment owed to the City; or (g) A sheriff, deputy, police officer, or prosecuting officer, or an officer or employee of the State or City of Long Beach; or (h) Applicants or entities (including management Employees) that have a previous record of violating federal or state laws relating to workplace safety, wages and compensation, employee discrimination, or union activity.

( Measure MM § 4, 11-8-2016)