§ 5.90.040. Security.  

Latest version.
  • Every Medical Marijuana Business shall implement sufficient security measures to both deter and prevent unauthorized entrance into areas containing medical cannabis or medical cannabis products and theft of medical cannabis or medical cannabis products. These security measures, as appropriate, shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Preventing individuals from remaining on the premises if they are not engaging in activity expressly related to the operations of the business; (b) Establishing limited access areas accessible only to authorized personnel; (c) Storing all finished medical cannabis and medical cannabis products in a secured and locked room, safe, or vault, and in a manner as to prevent diversion, theft, and loss, except for limited amounts of cannabis used for display purposes, samples, or immediate sale.

    Each Medical Marijuana Business shall install and maintain a fully operational digital video surveillance and camera recording system that monitors no less than the front and rear of the Property, all points of ingress and egress at the business, all points of sale within the business, all areas within the business where medical marijuana products are displayed for sale, and all limited access areas within the facility. The video and surveillance system shall, at a minimum, meet the following requirements: (a) Capture a full view of the public rights-of-way and any parking lot under the control of the medical marijuana business; (b) Be of adequate quality, color rendition and resolution to allow the ready identification of any individual committing a crime anywhere on or adjacent to the exterior of the property; (c) Record and maintain video for a minimum of thirty (30) days. Video surveillance and recording records shall be held in confidence by all employees and for legitimate law enforcement activity to resolve criminal activity; (d) Licensees are responsible for ensuring that all video or surveillance equipment is properly functioning and maintained, so that playback quality is suitable for viewing and the equipment is capturing the identity of all individuals and activities in the monitored areas; (e) At each point of sale location, camera coverage must enable recording of the customer(s) and employee's facial features with sufficient clarity to determine identity; (f) The system shall be capable of recording all monitored areas in any lighting conditions and must be housed in a designated, locked, and secured room or other enclosure with access limited to authorized employees. Licensees must keep a current list of all authorized employees and service personnel who have access to the surveillance system and/or room on the licensed premises; (g) A sign shall be posted in a conspicuous place near each monitored location on the interior or exterior of the premises which shall be not less than twelve inches (12") wide and twelve inches (12") long, composed of letters not less than one inch (1") in height, stating "All Activities Monitored by Video Camera" or "These Premises are Being Digitally Recorded", or otherwise advising all persons entering the premises that a video surveillance and camera recording system is in operation at the facility and recording all activity as provided in this Section; (h) All exterior camera views must be continuously recorded twenty-four (24) hours a day and all interior cameras views shall be recorded during all hours that the facility is open for business.

    The medical marijuana business shall install and use a safe for storage of any processed marijuana and cash on the property when the business is closed to the public. The safe shall be incorporated into the building structure or securely attached thereto. For medical marijuana infused products that must be kept refrigerated or frozen, the business shall lock the refrigerated container or freezer in place of using a safe so long as the container is affixed to the building structure.

    The medical marijuana business shall install and use a fire and burglar alarm system that is monitored by a company that is staffed twenty-four hours (24) a day, seven (7) days a week. The security plan submitted to the City shall identify the company monitoring the alarm, including contact information, and the City shall be updated within seventy-two (72) hours of any change of monitoring company. A medical marijuana business engaged in retail sales shall retain and maintain a security guard or patrol, licensed by the State of California, generally located at an indoor guard station, during all hours of operation.

( Measure MM § 4, 11-8-2016)