§ 8.46.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Best management practices" means activities, prohibitions or practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices as determined by the Long Beach Water Department to prevent or reduce the discharge of fats, oils and grease in the public sewer and storm drain systems.


    "Enforcement official" means the persons designated in Section 8.46.060.


    "Fats, oils and grease" (sometimes referred to in this Chapter as simply "grease") means organic polar compounds derived from animal or plant sources, containing multiple carbon chain triglyceride molecules, detectable and measurable using analytical test procedures established in section 136 of title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, in effect at the time of enactment hereof and as hereafter amended or replaced.


    "Food facility" shall have the same meaning defined in Subsection 8.45.010.B of this Code and, in addition, includes grocery markets and restaurants as defined in Section 8.44.010 of this Code.


    "Grease interceptor" means a large underground tank installed outside a food facility and connected to the outgoing sewer drainage system of the food facility, and designed for removing and preventing fats, oils and grease from entering the public sewer collection system.


    "Grease trap" means a device connected directly to the outgoing drains of sinks inside a food facility near the areas of food preparation and intended for separating the fats, oil and grease from wastewater before the fats, oils and grease enter the public sewer collection system.


    "Wastewater" means water after it has been used in homes, businesses, landscaping or agriculture (such as plots where food is grown) that contains enough harmful material to damage the water's quality. Wastewater also includes domestic-sewage and industrial waste from manufacturing sources.

(Ord. 05 0003 § 1, 2005)