§ 8.44.061. Inspection.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The City Health Officer shall periodically conduct inspections of all places in the City where food is prepared, stored, or sold to determine whether they comply with the requirements of this Chapter and other applicable laws or whether the activities on the premises constitute a public health hazard.


    An eating establishment may be found to be a public health hazard where it is maintained in an unhealthful, unsafe or unsanitary condition. An unhealthful, unsafe or unsanitary condition exists where the location has faulty plumbing or any other condition resulting in sewage or wastewater discharge into any area not designed and intended to carry or hold such sewage or wastewater discharge; no hot water, no water; infestation by rodents, vermin or vectors; no means of sanitizing multi-use utensils; filthy premises or related or similar conditions.

(Ord. C-6056 § 1, 1984)