§ 8.44.010. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    "Dealer" means and includes any person who sells or offers for sale, dispenses or delivers food at wholesale or retail, whether from a fixed place of business or otherwise, and includes the owner, agent, employee and servant.


    "Food" as used in this Chapter is defined to mean all articles used for food, drink, liquor, confectionery, condiment or chewing gum by human beings whether such articles are simple, mixed or compound.


    "Food handler" means and includes any person who engages or serves in any work, occupation or employment which requires or occasions the handling of any food or drink for human consumption or the handling of any dishes or other articles used in the preparation or service of such food or drink.


    "Grocery market" means any establishment or portion thereof where canned, bottled, packaged, wrapped, or bulk foods, including meats, fruits and vegetables, are sold or offered for sale at retail or for consumption on premises other than where sold, except a public market operated directly under City supervision.


    "Mobile food vending vehicle" means and includes any self-powered vehicle wherein or wherefrom only wrapped food, foodstuffs, products, liquids or material intended for food or drink for human consumption are sold, served, distributed, or offered for sale, and mobile food preparation vehicles, as defined in Long Beach Municipal Code Section 3.57.010. A vehicle from which bakery products, ice cream, meat and eggs shall be dispensed shall not be included within the term "mobile food vending vehicle."


    "Restaurant" means any coffee shop, cafeteria, short-order cafe, luncheonette, tavern, cocktail lounge, sandwich stand, soda fountain, private and public school cafeteria or eating establishment, in-plant or employee eating establishment, and any other eating establishment, organization, club, including veterans' club, boardinghouse, guesthouse or political subdivision, which gives, sells, or offers for sale food to the public, guests, patrons, or employees as well as kitchens in which food is prepared on the premises for serving elsewhere, including catering functions. The term "restaurant" shall not include itinerant restaurants, vending machines, vehicles, cooperative arrangements by employees who purchase food or beverages for their own consumption and where no employee is assigned full-time to care for or operate equipment used in such arrangement, or private homes; nor shall the term "restaurant" include churches, church societies, private clubs or other nonprofit associations of a religious, philanthropic, civic improvement, social, political, or educational nature, which purchase food, food products, or beverages or which receive donations of food, food products or beverages, for service without charge to their members, or for service or sale at a reasonable charge to their members or to the general public at occasional fundraising events, for consumption on or off the premises at which the food, food products, or beverages are served or sold, if the service or sale of such food, food products or beverages does not constitute a primary purpose or function of the club or association, and if no employee or member is assigned full-time to care for or operate equipment used in such arrangement.


    "Unsanitary wrapping" includes any newspaper, used sack, used paper and any other covering or material that has been used.

(ORD-11-0030, § 3, 2011; Prior code § 5510)