§ 6.16.260. Impoundment of vicious animal.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Any law enforcement officer or Animal Care Services Bureau enforcement officer or inspector of the City shall have the authority summarily and immediately to impound a dog or other animal where there is evidence it is vicious within the meaning of this Chapter.


    Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this Chapter, such official may enter private property at all reasonable times to inspect same or to perform any duty imposed by this Chapter; provided, that if such private property is occupied, such official shall first present proper credentials and demand entry. If entry is refused, or if the owner or other person having control of such property is not present to permit entry, such official shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry at a later time.


    Any person responsible for such dog or other animal subject to being impounded who fails to surrender the animal to such official upon demand shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and/or be subject to administrative fines and penalties set forth in Section 6.16.210.


    If the dog or other animal cannot be safely taken up and impounded, it may be destroyed forthwith by such law enforcement officer or Animal Care Services Bureau enforcement officer or inspector.

(ORD-09-0022, § 5, 2009)