§ 5.90.250. Compliance and changes to applicable law.  

Latest version.
  • If any State law applicable to this Chapter changes or is amended, this Chapter shall be construed in a manner that ensures that Qualified Patients continue to have safe, affordable access to Medical Marijuana. Except as may be provided otherwise in this Chapter, any law or regulation adopted by the State governing the cultivation, production, possession or distribution of marijuana for medical or recreational use shall also apply to Medical Marijuana Businesses in the City. If there is a conflict between State law and this Chapter, State law shall be applied. A conviction for noncompliance with any applicable State law or regulation shall be grounds for revocation or suspension of any license or permit issued under this Chapter. No Medical Marijuana Business shall continue operations in violation of an additional State law or regulation applicable within the City after the effective date of the State law or regulation. If the State prohibits the cultivation, production, possession or other distribution of marijuana through Medical Marijuana Businesses, or if a court of last resort with competent jurisdiction determines that the Federal government's prohibition of the cultivation, production, possession or other distribution of marijuana through Medical Marijuana Businesses supersedes State law, any business license permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall be deemed to be immediately revoked by operation of law.

( Measure MM § 4, 11-8-2016)