§ 5.90.150. License transferable and required conduct.  

Latest version.
  • A Business License Permit issued pursuant to this Chapter shall become null and void if the Medical Marijuana Business holding that Business License closes or dissolves, however a change in the Business name or form of corporate identity (e.g., conversion from a non-profit to a for profit status) shall not be deemed a dissolution nor a transfer pursuant to this Chapter. A Medical Marijuana Business License Permit is transferable but will require prior approval of the City. Any change in the ownership greater than ten percent (10%) of the licensee shall require notice to the City at least thirty days prior to the change and a new business license permit application. The licensee shall be permitted to conduct business under the prior business license permit while the City reviews the new application submitted pursuant to this section. Denial of the new business license application shall not result in the revocation of the existing business license permit.

( Measure MM § 4, 11-8-2016)