§ 5.90.030. Medical marijuana business license permit.  

Latest version.
  • Except as otherwise set forth in this Chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person or entity to operate, in or upon any property, a Medical Marijuana Business without first obtaining all required State licenses and a business license or permits issued by the City. Each State license type available in the MMRSA is eligible to apply for a City Business License Permit. Medical Marijuana Business shall be considered a personal service type business in the City of Long Beach (as defined in section 21.15.2020) with respect to issuing a Business License Permit and setting application and license fees. Until the regulatory implementation of the MMRSA, the Medical Marijuana Business license permits shall be issued without regard to the fact the State license has not been issued. Failure to timely obtain required State licenses or permits shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of any permit or license issued by the City. Upon the regulatory implementation of the MMRSA, unless otherwise set forth in this Chapter, no person shall engage in commercial cannabis activity or in the activities of a Medical Marijuana Business without possessing all applicable State licenses and all applicable City permits and licenses. Revocation of a State license shall constitute grounds for the City to suspend or revoke any permit or license issued by the City.

    A Medical Marijuana Business that is operating in compliance with this Chapter and other State and local laws on or before January 1, 2018, may continue its operations until its application for State licensure is approved or denied by the licensing authority.

    A Medical Marijuana Business must at all times maintain liability insurance having aggregate policy limits in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00).

    The City may impose an annual business license fee no greater than one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the average business license fee the city charges for non-cannabis related personal service business. Failure to timely pay the annual business license fee shall be grounds for suspension or revocation of the business license. Applicants that previously paid an application fee pursuant to former Chapter 5.87 may, at the applicant's discretion, have any un-refunded fee applied as credit against any fees applicable under this Section. All Medical Marijuana Businesses shall be subject to an annual regulatory inspection by the City to insure compliance with all of the applicable provisions of this Chapter and to confirm compliance with the business license permit issued by the City.

    It shall be unlawful for the owner of a building to allow the use of any portion of a building by a Medical Marijuana Business unless the tenant has a valid business license permit, or has applied for and not been denied, a business license permit. Each owner of a building whose tenant is a Medical Marijuana Business License Permit applicant shall execute an acknowledgement that the Applicant has the owner's permission and consent to operate a Medical Marijuana Business at the subject property.

    Each Medical Marijuana Business shall designate a Community Relations Liaison (hereinafter, the "Liaison"), who shall be at least twenty-one (21) years of age; and shall provide the Liaison's name to the City Manager. The Liaison shall receive all complaints received by the City Manager regarding the Medical Marijuana Dispensary, and make good faith attempts to promptly resolve all complaints. To address community complaints and concerns, the name and telephone number for the Liaison shall be made publicly available. Each Medical Marijuana Business Liaison is required to respond by phone or email within three (3) business days of contact by a city official concerning the Medical Marijuana Business. The name and contact information for Liaison of the medical marijuana business shall be conspicuously posted on the main entry doors to the business.

    No pesticides or insecticides prohibited by federal, State, or local law for fertilization or production of edible produce may be used on any marijuana cultivated, produced or distributed by a Medical Marijuana Business. A Medical Marijuana Business shall comply with all applicable federal, State, and local laws regarding use and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers.

    No Medical Marijuana Business may be operated in an area zoned exclusively for residential use, or be located within a one-thousand (1,000) foot radius of a public or private school (as defined in Health and Safety Code § 11362.768(h)) or public beach, or within a six hundred foot (600') radius of a public park or public library. The distances specified in this subdivision shall be determined by the horizontal distance measured in a straight line from the property line of the school, park or library to the closest property line of the lot on which the Medical Marijuana Business is located, without regard to intervening structures.

    All Medical Marijuana and Medical Marijuana Products intended for disposal shall be made unusable and unrecognizable prior to removal from the business, in compliance with all applicable laws. No Medical Marijuana Business may have a drive-through lane or drive up window and no Medical Marijuana may be dispensed from a drive-though lane or drive up window. No marijuana may be smoked, eaten, or otherwise consumed or ingested within the Medical Marijuana Business. All cultivation, production, distribution, possession, storage, display, sales or other distribution of marijuana shall occur only within an enclosed area of a medical marijuana business and shall not be visible from the exterior of the business. Consultations by medical professionals shall not be permitted at a Medical Marijuana Business nor as a permitted accessory use at a medical marijuana business. Each Medical Marijuana Business shall have an odor-absorbing ventilation and exhaust system to ensure that odor generated inside the premises is not detected outside the premises. Windows and roof hatches at the Medical Marijuana Business shall be secured so as to prevent unauthorized entry.

    This Chapter shall not interfere with an employer's rights and obligations to maintain a drug and alcohol free workplace or require an employer to permit or accommodate the use, consumption, possession, transfer, display, transportation, sale, or growth of cannabis in the workplace or affect the ability of employers to have policies prohibiting the use of cannabis by employees and prospective employees, or prevent employers from complying with local, State, or federal law.

( Measure MM § 4, 11-8-2016)