§ 21.54.115. Required findings.
In addition to the required findings for a Conditional Use Permit (Section 21.25.206), the Planning Commission or City Council, as applicable, shall not approve a Conditional Use Permit for any billboard project unless positive findings also can be made for the following:
The proposed billboard does not represent a net increase in billboard sign area Citywide.
The applicant or developer has provided a written plan and a letter of intent explaining how the requirements of Subsections 21.54.160.A or B (which require removal of certain amounts of existing billboard area in exchange for rights to construct a new billboard or convert an existing billboard to electronic) will be accomplished.
The billboard shall not constitute a hazard to the safe and efficient operation of vehicles upon a street or freeway.
For a new billboard, adequate spacing will exist between the proposed billboard and any existing or proposed billboards in the vicinity, such that negative visual and aesthetic impacts upon the neighborhood and surrounding land uses shall be avoided.
The size of the proposed billboard will not be out of context with its visual environment, or be visually disruptive to neighboring properties and structures.
For electronic billboards, the applicant has demonstrated technically, through a light study or similar study, that the billboard will not cause light and glare to intrude upon residential land uses, including those in mixed-use districts.
Approval of this permit is consistent with the intent of Chapter 21.54 (Billboards), which is, primarily, to provide reasonable billboard control and to cause the eventual elimination of nonconforming billboards from the City.
( ORD-14-0006 § 1, 2014)