§ 16.44.050. Field rules.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Vehicles shall not be driven upon any portion of the Airport other than driveways and parking places specifically laid out for the use of the vehicles; provided, however, that this shall not apply to vehicles used for emergency or service work upon the Airport where the drivers of the vehicles have obtained permission from the Director for their operation.


    Private automobiles or trucks shall not be serviced from the gasoline pits provided on the Airport field for the use of aircraft.


    Rubbish or trash shall not be thrown or allowed to be scattered upon the Airport.


    Aircraft shall not be taxied at a speed exceeding fifteen (15) miles per hour.


    Aircraft shall not be supplied with fuel while located in any hangar or other enclosed place or while the motor of the aircraft is running.


    No pilot other than a commercial pilot with instructor's rating shall, for hire or reward or gratuitously, teach the art of flying on the Airport and none other than a commercial pilot with instructor's rating shall check out students.


    All unhoused aircraft must be parked in the space allotted therefor and shall be secured firmly to the ground by ropes and stakes or otherwise when left unattended at night or during weather conditions which indicate the necessity for it. Any aircraft left unattended shall be left entirely at the risk of the owner or operator thereof.


    The aircraft owner, his pilot or agent shall be responsible for the prompt removal or disposal of wrecked aircraft and the parts thereof to avoid interference with field operations, unless directed to delay such action pending the investigation of the accident.


    Aviation gasoline, lubricating oil or grease shall not be sold to pilots of itinerant aircraft or aircraft based on this field except by the company or companies holding valid lease agreements with the City for such purposes.


    No privately owned vehicles of any type shall be permitted on the landing area except by permission from the Director.


    No person shall smoke, strike a match or produce any flame within fifty feet (50') of any containers of gasoline or other combustible liquid or within any City-owned hangars or repair shops located on or within the confines of the Airport.


    No person shall engage in the sale of refreshments or any other commodity or service within the confines of the Airport without previously having secured a permit from the Council. No application shall be considered by the Council, however, unless first approved by the Director.

(Prior code § 7420.4)