§ 16.44.020. Location.  

Latest version.
  • The Airport shall be located upon certain property and in the City of Long Beach, County of Los Angeles, State of California, bounded and described as follows:

    Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 48, Tract No. 8084 as per map recorded in Book 171 page 29 of maps, records of the county; thence easterly 6,467.72 feet along the north lines of Lots 48, 49, and 51, said Tract No. 8084, to the west line of Lakewood Boulevard, 100 feet wide; thence southerly 5,251.60 feet along said west line of Lakewood Boulevard to the south line of Lot 67, said Tract No. 8084; thence westerly 1,270.32 feet along said south line of Lots 67 and 66 of said Tract No. 8084 to the southwest corner of said Lot 66; thence northerly 10 feet along the west line of said Lot 66 to a line 40 feet northerly of and parallel to centerline of Spring Street, being the north line of Spring Street, 80 feet wide, as established August 30, 1940, by Ordinance No. C-1832 of City of Long Beach; thence westerly 4978.95 feet, more or less, along said north line of Spring Street, 80 feet wide, to the east line of Vine Avenue as shown on map of American Colony Tract recorded in Book 19, pages 89 and 90, of miscellaneous records in the office of the County Recorder, said Vine Avenue having been vacated June 12, 1928, by Resolution No. C-3464 of City of Long Beach; thence southerly 10 feet along said east line of Vine Avenue to an angle in City boundary at north line of Spring Street, 60 feet wide; thence westerly 930 feet along said north line of Spring Street, 60 feet wide, to a line 420 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Cherry Avenue; thence northerly 1,230.28 feet along said line 420 feet east of the centerline of Cherry Avenue; thence easterly 460 feet to a line 880 feet easterly of and parallel to the centerline of Cherry Avenue; thence northerly 1,340.25 feet along said line 880 feet easterly of the centerline of Cherry Avenue to the south line of Wardlow Road, 80 feet wide; thence easterly 2061.20 feet along said south line of Wardlow Road to the southerly prolongation of the westerly line of Lot 50, said Tract No. 8084, thence northerly along said southerly prolongation, said westerly line of Lot 50 and the northerly prolongation thereof, a distance of 759.86 feet to the south of Lot 49, said Tract No. 8084; thence westerly and southwesterly 2074.62 feet along said south line of Lot 49 and southerly line of the aforementioned Lot 48 to the south west corner of said Lot 48; and thence northerly 1,763.56 feet along the westerly line of said Lot 48 to the northwest corner thereof, to the point of beginning. Together with such other lands as may hereafter be set aside for airport purposes, is set aside as an airport.

(Prior code § 7420.1)